Sunday, June 3, 2007

Memories... The arrival of Puppy Baby

Puppy and her daddy

The Baby of the Family...
It's kinda hard to write about our baby without making VJ sound bad, but hey! it's the truth so... Anyway, VJ's ok about it (he has no choice hahaha since I'm the one doing the writing, grin).

Puppy joined the family a few months after we had K'Lyn. We had never intended to have two dogs as we thought one would be enough (I know, it's a joke seeing how many kids we have now). But things between VJ & K'Lyn had reached an all time low till it was actually affecting our very new marriage.

Cos as much as Vj tried to befriend K'Lyn, she refused all his goodwill gestures and even refused to breath the same air as him! Sounds dramatic but it's true. If he went into the kitchen when she was there, she'll get up and walk off in a huff to the hall. If he went back to the hall after that, she's jump off the sofa the moment he approached. She had succeeded in making VJ feel so very unloved in his very own home! Quite a feat yah?

Even I had no idea how bad things were till one day VJ told me to choose between him and K'Lyn! I was so mad that I didn't answer him and just walked off. But I guessed the look on my face said everything! I didn't talk to him but spent my time with K'Lyn, but of cos!!!

Never ask me to choose between an animal or human cos the human will almost never win...

This is what kick-started the search to find VJ his very own dog that will love HIM... My plan was that once VJ had his own little puppy to love, he'll forget all about how K'Lyn treats him.

VJ fell for my plan and decided that he also wanted a bull terrier,but a mini cos he felt that they looked cuter. As luck would have it, Chris's Chino & Amber just had a litter and we were lucky Chris was willing to let us purchase a puppy. VJ instantly fell for a miniature full-collared brindle female puppy although I had my eyes on a white female with a heart-shaped black eye patch.

But VJ's mind was made up and we eagerly awaited to pick up the weaned puppy. VJ named her Spudzy after Spud Mckenzy the skate boarding bull terrier. As you can see, that name didn't last and she's just known as puppy, baby, poopy, ah-pup etc.... I just tested her, she don't recognize her name Spudzy :)

When the day finally came for us to pick up puppy, the most apprehensive were Chris and Florence; they were worried that K'Lyn may not react well to her territory being invaded by another and may exert her ownership in damaging ways. With Puppy only 2 months old and K'Lyn fully grown, they told us to carefully introduce them outside the home, and seperate them 1st for puppy's safety.

VJ was doing night duty that night, so I had friends over to help. Although deep in my heart I felt that K'Lyn would not hurt a little puppy, the true horror stories told by Chris & Florence filled my thoughts. It seemed that bull terriers were possessive by nature, and with K'Lyn ultra protectiveness towards me, it spelled potential diaster.

A girlfriend carried Puppy while I brought K'Lyn out. K'Lyn was very excited as she already knew that something was happening, and when she smelled and spotted puppy, she got super excited and happy. Puppy didn't really know what was happening except that a cold fat nose was poking her butt, so she just wagged her little tail with all her heart.

In spite of all the warnings from Chris, I felt that K'Lyn would be more than ok with Puppy, in fact K'Lyn was acting like Puppy was her long lost puppy and she was in heaven.

Puppy is lucky, from the very first moment they met, K'Lyn took her under her wings/paws. K'Lyn became an instant mommy replacement for Amber (puppy's birth mom) and hence Puppy never had to grow up.

K'Lyn was always with Puppy, looking after and looking out for her, protecting her, playing with her, sleeping beside her. K'Lyn even went as far as to drop treats from her mouth if Puppy whined cos I had given it to K'Lyn 1st, so much for bull terrier being food possessive. And if we got tired throwing Puppy's toy for her to fetch and Puppy got upset, K'Lyn would take over to entertain puppy so she won't get upset. K'Lyn sure indulged Puppy, there was never any doubt that Puppy was hers.

Even now, Puppy still looks to K'Lyn for everything, she would rather sleep with K'Lyn than her daddy, and if we ever had to bring K'Lyn out without Puppy, Puppy would be so lost and upset till her K'Lyn was by her side once again.

But true to my plan, having Puppy made things better between VJ and K'Lyn. They came to an understanding with their mutual love for Puppy, after all, they finally learnt to share and breath the same air space.

Happy Family!


Brutus said...

Hey i can tell that you are enjoing writing all about history right. hahaha i am enjoying reading them too. bring back so much memories right...wish the babies can all turn small again. hahaha

weiwei said...

yo!! it bring tears to my eyes when i read abt k'lyn and puppy stories. so sweet...
u must really put up the BIG HAPPY FAMILY pic up soon. :)

Unknown said...

Hello, lovely family of pets you have there :) Was wondering if you still have the contact for the mini bull breeders, been wanting to get a mini bull but it's so hard to find it locally, thanks!