Sunday, June 3, 2007

Memories... Best Christmas present ever... Nefi

The Queen - Silver Nefititi

Kitten profile

Nefi grooming her charge

K'Lyn & Nefi keeping Puppy company when she was sick

True friendship

1st contact between K'Lyn & Nefi on her 2nd day home

Ho ho ho!

VJ will never ever say to me again "anything you want dear", cos those were the fatal words he uttered a few days before christmas years back that started my cat craze.

I have always thought that I was dog person in spite of liking all animals, but my true passion did not emerge till VJ told me I could have anything I wanted for christmas as he didn't have time to get me a present, and a light bulb literally lit up in my head.

Only thing is that the light blub was in the a shape of a cat... Meow!

I gave it a few days then dropped the bomb on VJ, said I wanted to adopt a CAT. His face just had that accepting look, grin.

He asked if I wanted to buy a pedigree cat, but I insisted that I wanted to adopt one, not knowing how diffcult it would be considering I have 2 bull terriers, it was understandable that cat foster parents would not be all too comfortable letting their babies go to a house of supposed 'cat-killers'. Yup, unfortunately bull terriers do have a reputation as cat killers, and I do know a few bull terriers that intensely hate cats. Puppy's dad, Chino, is one of them. A real aweetheart with humans but not so with other lving creatures.

I forged on ahead with my adoption drive, steadfast in my belief in K'Lyn; I knew that she likes cats as there used to be two burmese cats living above her cage at Timbarktu, and she used to play with them in the shop, chasing and licking them. And Puppy will just follow her big sister's lead and be good with cats.

I wrote to a few fosters from Cat Welfare Society, but not surprisingly didn't get a response. Finally a wonderful lady Catherine (apely named yah) answered me and was willing to give our family a chance.

She said she had a silver female kitten around 4 months old and would bring her over to mingle with K'Lyn and Puppy for a trial. I was just so excited as I waited for Catherine and the kitten to come over, thousands of thoughts were racing through my mind; would they deem us suitable adopters? Would K'Lyn and Puppy prove too much for a little kitten? Would the kitten be stressed in our home? And most important of all, will VJ fall in love with the kitten too? I was already falling in love with my potential kitten, sight unseen hahaha.
The deal was sealed the moment I saw Silver (as she was named by Catherine), a ball of elegant silver fluff dorminated by huge memerising greenish yellow eyes, complete with eyeliner to boot! Silver (later renamed Silver Nefititi aka Nefi) was a confident little gal that seemed to have a queenly attitute that rightly earned her the position of Queen of the house and ruler of all 2-leggers, 4-leggers and winged ones; but she was not the typical kind of nasty queen like many cats are, but ran the house with her velvet paw and special soft touch.
From the first moment in our home, she taught K'Lyn and Puppy the proper and respectfully way to treat a cat, especially a lady like herself, this meant no bull rough housing, no chasing her, no dirting the house (she would try and cover up if they did their business on the newspaper), and no messing up her pristine coat etc. Well, most of her rules are being followed, even by all the other family members that joined the home after her, except that Puppy sometimes insist on licking Nefi till her fur is all slated in one direction. Those are the only time I have ever seen Nefi not look perfect, and she'll painstakingly groom herself after Puppy's little licking sessions till she is back to her queenly self. But she never begrudged Puppy's vigourous shows of affection.
To say that Nefi brought out my feline side would be an understatement; in fact she sparked my previously dormant obsesion with cats and all things cats. Maybe it was because having her is such a positive and rewarding experience, or seeing her and K'Lyn and Puppy was the perfect cat and dog 'world peace' kind of moment for me.
Many people are disbelieving when I tell them I have bull terriers and cats; and amazed when they find out how my bulls and cats are best of friends, sleeping, eating and playing together, sometimes I thinks my cats actually like K'Lyn better than me, cos they greet her good morning before me!
Nefi has gone on to charm and convert many non-cat lovers, starting with VJ! She has shown him the true beauty of cats and over the years only became more loving and affectionate. This is the one difference I have noted between dogs and cats, dogs are totally affectionate from the first moment, where else the true character of a cat only surfaces after time, and like good wine, they get only more wonderful with age.

Memories... The arrival of Puppy Baby

Puppy and her daddy

The Baby of the Family...
It's kinda hard to write about our baby without making VJ sound bad, but hey! it's the truth so... Anyway, VJ's ok about it (he has no choice hahaha since I'm the one doing the writing, grin).

Puppy joined the family a few months after we had K'Lyn. We had never intended to have two dogs as we thought one would be enough (I know, it's a joke seeing how many kids we have now). But things between VJ & K'Lyn had reached an all time low till it was actually affecting our very new marriage.

Cos as much as Vj tried to befriend K'Lyn, she refused all his goodwill gestures and even refused to breath the same air as him! Sounds dramatic but it's true. If he went into the kitchen when she was there, she'll get up and walk off in a huff to the hall. If he went back to the hall after that, she's jump off the sofa the moment he approached. She had succeeded in making VJ feel so very unloved in his very own home! Quite a feat yah?

Even I had no idea how bad things were till one day VJ told me to choose between him and K'Lyn! I was so mad that I didn't answer him and just walked off. But I guessed the look on my face said everything! I didn't talk to him but spent my time with K'Lyn, but of cos!!!

Never ask me to choose between an animal or human cos the human will almost never win...

This is what kick-started the search to find VJ his very own dog that will love HIM... My plan was that once VJ had his own little puppy to love, he'll forget all about how K'Lyn treats him.

VJ fell for my plan and decided that he also wanted a bull terrier,but a mini cos he felt that they looked cuter. As luck would have it, Chris's Chino & Amber just had a litter and we were lucky Chris was willing to let us purchase a puppy. VJ instantly fell for a miniature full-collared brindle female puppy although I had my eyes on a white female with a heart-shaped black eye patch.

But VJ's mind was made up and we eagerly awaited to pick up the weaned puppy. VJ named her Spudzy after Spud Mckenzy the skate boarding bull terrier. As you can see, that name didn't last and she's just known as puppy, baby, poopy, ah-pup etc.... I just tested her, she don't recognize her name Spudzy :)

When the day finally came for us to pick up puppy, the most apprehensive were Chris and Florence; they were worried that K'Lyn may not react well to her territory being invaded by another and may exert her ownership in damaging ways. With Puppy only 2 months old and K'Lyn fully grown, they told us to carefully introduce them outside the home, and seperate them 1st for puppy's safety.

VJ was doing night duty that night, so I had friends over to help. Although deep in my heart I felt that K'Lyn would not hurt a little puppy, the true horror stories told by Chris & Florence filled my thoughts. It seemed that bull terriers were possessive by nature, and with K'Lyn ultra protectiveness towards me, it spelled potential diaster.

A girlfriend carried Puppy while I brought K'Lyn out. K'Lyn was very excited as she already knew that something was happening, and when she smelled and spotted puppy, she got super excited and happy. Puppy didn't really know what was happening except that a cold fat nose was poking her butt, so she just wagged her little tail with all her heart.

In spite of all the warnings from Chris, I felt that K'Lyn would be more than ok with Puppy, in fact K'Lyn was acting like Puppy was her long lost puppy and she was in heaven.

Puppy is lucky, from the very first moment they met, K'Lyn took her under her wings/paws. K'Lyn became an instant mommy replacement for Amber (puppy's birth mom) and hence Puppy never had to grow up.

K'Lyn was always with Puppy, looking after and looking out for her, protecting her, playing with her, sleeping beside her. K'Lyn even went as far as to drop treats from her mouth if Puppy whined cos I had given it to K'Lyn 1st, so much for bull terrier being food possessive. And if we got tired throwing Puppy's toy for her to fetch and Puppy got upset, K'Lyn would take over to entertain puppy so she won't get upset. K'Lyn sure indulged Puppy, there was never any doubt that Puppy was hers.

Even now, Puppy still looks to K'Lyn for everything, she would rather sleep with K'Lyn than her daddy, and if we ever had to bring K'Lyn out without Puppy, Puppy would be so lost and upset till her K'Lyn was by her side once again.

But true to my plan, having Puppy made things better between VJ and K'Lyn. They came to an understanding with their mutual love for Puppy, after all, they finally learnt to share and breath the same air space.

Happy Family!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Memories... Finding my soulmate K'Lyn

Our 1st Christmas together

(K'Lyn had only been with us for a few months then)

A happy & contented K'Lyn today

Prologue -
Lassie, Shadow, Buddy... these were names that often conjured up a canine friend whose loyalty and love was unmatched by anything or anyone in the world.
Ever since I was a little girl obsessed with reading, one of my favourite characters by Enid Blyton was Timmy, George's dog in 'Famous Five Advantures'. I envied George for having a best friend like Timmy, one who was always by her side no matter what happened, who loved her beyond reason, and would do anything to protect her; and George was there for Timmy the exact same way. It was more than a relationship, it was a bond that no one could understand except Timmy and George.

That was probably the start of my fascination for animals, for a 4-legged best friend that will love me unconditionally and I could pour my heart and soul. It was probably also the foundation of my decision not to have human kids, grin.

The moment VJ & I got married and got our own home, my very 1st mission was to fill our new home with puppy love; in fact I renovated our flat with the soul intention of having doggy kids, so I dog-proofed the place to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately back then I did not realise that I would end up loving Endlish Bull Terriers, one of the breeds that could possibly wreak the biggest havoc in a home.

The Search -
One our home was ready, I set off to find the dog of my dreams, with Timmy and Lassie in mind; yup, I realised that those were giant paws to fill for any mortal dog, but it was what I had set my mind for. This is the only time I am ever ambitious, when it comes to my animals :)

I had initially thought of a Golden Retriever or a Labrador Retriever, as I've had some great experiences with dogs like Kiaser (my best friend Desiree's Lab), but VJ felt that it was too big a breed. I really didn't know what dog breed I would like after that.

I got addicted to Bull Terriers after chancing upon a 'Breed All About It' documentary on them, it really showcased the amazing character of the bull terrier, especially about their loyalty, clownish-ness and loving ways. After 20 minutes of TV, I was totally hooked.

I did not know then that bull terriers were a rare breed in S'pore, with an underserving vicious and nasty reputation. I had already conjured up a dream bull terrier in my mind and heart; she was to be a standard bull terrier, white with a patch of black somewhere on her face, and not a young puppy, more like a young teenager that needed a home cos no one wanted her. I wanted to be her chance in life. Till today, I really don't know where that description came from, for knowing what I know about bull terriers 6 years later, it sounded like a sure fire recipe for a 'difficult & challenging' bull terrier.

I was not having any luck even seeing first hand what a bull terrier was like in spite of endless research and phone calls to pet shops. Just when I thought that my only chance to get a bull terrier was to import at a very high price from Australia (& after the new flat and renovation,this was almost an impossibility), VJ & I bumped into a neighbour with a black and white mini bull terrier at the foot of our new flat! He gave us the contact for Chris, the bull terrier breeder in S'pore.

Destiny -
I called 'Timbarktu' the very next morning, and told the lady (Chris's wife Florence) that answered the phone that I was looking for a female standard white bull terrier that had a black patch on the face, I wasn't looking for a young puppy, but for an almost adult. I was soooo excited when she said they may have such a bull terrier and for me to come down to have a look myself. I found out later from Chris & Florence (we are good friends now) that I had described K'Lyn to a T. :)

I slammed down the phone, and rushed out of the door. Vj was at work and he was kinda worried that I would make a rash decision but I was unstoppable! I went to find my dream dog just following my heart.

The birth of the name -
Oh did I mention that I had already thought of a name for my dream dog even before I had even seen it? Gavin and I came up with the name K'Lyn during a brainstorm session during lunch time in JBP. I wanted a name that starts with 'K' and Gavin said I should name it after me cos it was to be my best friend. So even before anything, I already had in mind exactly how K'Lyn would be like. Talk about a tall order yah? :)

Love? @ 1st sight -
Hmmmm, maybe not so... My first impression of K'Lyn was so not favourable, cos she was standing in a cage and she growled so ferociously at me. Chris was really nice from the start, he even told me to just reach in and take her our, that she was bluffing, but nope, thank you very much sir, I was not sticking my hands into a cage of an angry bull terrier. Suddenly it seemed like everything bad I had read about this breed rang true. I was so not ready to give up and felt that this was the gal for me in spite of appearnces. Chris gave me all the time I needed to just sit down and spend time with her. I think I must have sat with her for hours, slowly giving her time to trust me and allow me to pet her gingerly. We even went for a little walk although her tail was tucked in between her legs the entire time. Chris told me that love and patience will bring out her true character (& tail!), and that I could bring her home for a trial and come back and pay later if I decide that I really wanted to keep her.

I did get the feeling that she already had a reputation as a problem dog, but I told Chris that once I bring her home, I will never give her up. He said to just try her out her, and even refused to let me buy the basic necessities for her, he gave me everything from food to bowls to collar and leash. I had to 'fight' with him and Florence to buy her some toys...

Bringing K'Lyn home was a problem as she was so scared and really didn't want to walk to the car to get into it. Everything was just so scary to her, the new environment, the life, a new home, new smells and sounds. She flipped whe VJ came home, think she almost hated him on sight although we never know why. She refused to let him near her, and just kept growling and staring at him.

Needless to say, VJ was so not impressed. I can't say I blame him now, but at that point I was already falling head over heels in love with our (or more like my) problem child, and was ultra protective of her. This protectiveness only grew over the years. He kept saying that dogs are not meant to behave such and that she didn't look much like a bull terrier.

I didn't care. I just didn't care. She could be missing a ear or missing some senses (maybe not too sane?) but she was MINE to love forever. I refused to hear anything negative about her, and keep telling her that this is her forever home, that WE love her the way she was and that she could take her time to love us back.

That 1st night, K'Lyn was so scared and upset she couldn't sleep but kept pacing up and down. She finally slept beside me when I put my comforter on the bedroom floor. She looked contented for the 1st time since I saw her. My heart swelled with love, and I was contented too.

Maybe it was because I slept on the floor with her, cos after that our relationship began. She was still wary, but trusted me on a higher level she may not even understand then. Or maybe she was looking for someone like me the way I was looking for someone like her.

My Soulmate -
So many things have happened since that day 6 years ago. K'lyn is sleeping snuggled up to VJ as I write this. It only took her 2 years to be in the same area as VJ, and longer still to be on the sofa with him. We are still amazed that a dog would take soooo long to trust a person who only did his utmost to get to know her. She was really one tough nut to crack as VJ says. We found out from YeeWei, who had tried to home her once, that K'Lyn then just would not trust anyone, and would growl and bite. However once she gave her love, it was forever.

But like my favourite storybook dog Timmy, K'Lyn will always love me 1st, and the most, and no one could ever come between us. I like to say that she would die for me and kill for me, but without a doubt, I would do exactly the same for my soulmate.

As I end off, K'Lyn is once again lying right beside me, telling me that it's time I rest. It is time for me to do my all time favourite thing in the world, groom my kids and give them TREATS!

Memories... Sundance's 1st day home

Sundance's first day home

Sundance insisted on sleeping with K'Lyn

K'Lyn checking her new charge
Love is in the air
K'Lyn's obviously delighted with Sundance

I wasn't planning on having more kids; back then I already had K'lyn & Puppy (Standard & Mini Bull Terriers), Nefi and Nanu (Moggie & Ragdoll), and Elvis (Blue-fronted Amazon), and had thought that it was a perfect combination.

Of cos I kid myself, it was perfect,but it only could get better! :)

It was all Sundance's fault (ok have to blame someone yah?), she made me fall in love with her, it really was love at first sight with all the bells and whistles and thunder bolt and lightling.

Two tiny little balls of frisky fluff were bouncing around and chasing each other at the Holland Villge Shopping Centre pet shop on the 3rd floor. This was one pet shop that we previously rarely frequent, the most was that I'll just look in while we walked pass. That was what we were doing on that fatal day, just walking pass when I saw her. I stopped in my tracks and literally ran into the shop. I had thought that she was a Maine Coon kitten but found out that she's a Chinchilla Persian instead, and was going for S$480. Surprisingly VJ actually asked me if I wanted her and to just get her if so... I was shocked (but happy) and said that we better not; I was trying to be sensible for once. I didn't even ask to hold her for fear it would be too much.

But love is never sensible and all I could do was think and talk about her all night long. Again VJ said to get her before someone else gets her and I'll regret (we both had a feeling this gal would find a home really fast).

The next morning we went to chit chat with Muji at Pet HQ and I told Muji all about Sundance, he was such a sweetheart and said that she sounded wonderful and we should go see her straight away before the weekend (it was Friday) where its the peak timing for people to go pet shopping.

Once I held Sundance in my arms it was all over, all the so-called practical reasons not to get her went out the window. She was so tiny but super confidnet and loving. Although I would have preferred a male, her appeal totally outshone her brother, I only carried him for 10 seconds and I missed her already. My connection was with her from the first moment. Muji said she was meant to be my girl. We were so unprepared that we didn't even come with my cat carrier, but carried her in my arms to whisk her away to her new life.

First stop was to the vet for a health check, Dr Nicole Krishner said that Sundance was one of the healthiest kitten she had ever seen, and a really confident one at that; big dogs barking at her in the waiting area didn't even faze her, in fact she walked towards the dogs. A great start to prep her to meet her big sister K'Lyn and Puppy yah?

Once we were finally home (had to stop by to buy some kitten supplies at 1st where Sundance charmed everyone into falling in love with her too), Sundance meet the whole family. Nanu was hers from the start... He was so smitten with her and just hung around her trying to show her around like the man of the house that he was. She was soooo tiny next to him but it only took her a few minutes to wrap him around her little paw. He would follow her everywhere for the next few days. Nefi was abit more reserved, but also quickly took to her and showed her approval with a few loving licks. Sundance was in heaven.

Because Sundance was so small, I was alot more careful when introducing K'Lyn and Puppy. I knew Puppy would not really bother as she was kinda into herself (ha), but K'Lyn would be really interested as she loves cats since young. I was just worried that in her excitment she may accidentally step on Sundance, and Sundance was really tiny. But I should have know that K'Lyn would be K'Lyn, and she'll know exactly what to do and how to take care of her new baby. K'Lyn was just so gentle and careful and loving with Sundance, and Sundance probably thought that she was her mommy (although alot bigger and less fur), it was love at first sight for K'Lyn also :)

After all, K'Lyn IS my soul mate....

The rest as they say is history. Till today, Sundance holds the title of being the PRINCESS of the family and she'll always be my lil girl.