Saturday, June 2, 2007

Memories... Sundance's 1st day home

Sundance's first day home

Sundance insisted on sleeping with K'Lyn

K'Lyn checking her new charge
Love is in the air
K'Lyn's obviously delighted with Sundance

I wasn't planning on having more kids; back then I already had K'lyn & Puppy (Standard & Mini Bull Terriers), Nefi and Nanu (Moggie & Ragdoll), and Elvis (Blue-fronted Amazon), and had thought that it was a perfect combination.

Of cos I kid myself, it was perfect,but it only could get better! :)

It was all Sundance's fault (ok have to blame someone yah?), she made me fall in love with her, it really was love at first sight with all the bells and whistles and thunder bolt and lightling.

Two tiny little balls of frisky fluff were bouncing around and chasing each other at the Holland Villge Shopping Centre pet shop on the 3rd floor. This was one pet shop that we previously rarely frequent, the most was that I'll just look in while we walked pass. That was what we were doing on that fatal day, just walking pass when I saw her. I stopped in my tracks and literally ran into the shop. I had thought that she was a Maine Coon kitten but found out that she's a Chinchilla Persian instead, and was going for S$480. Surprisingly VJ actually asked me if I wanted her and to just get her if so... I was shocked (but happy) and said that we better not; I was trying to be sensible for once. I didn't even ask to hold her for fear it would be too much.

But love is never sensible and all I could do was think and talk about her all night long. Again VJ said to get her before someone else gets her and I'll regret (we both had a feeling this gal would find a home really fast).

The next morning we went to chit chat with Muji at Pet HQ and I told Muji all about Sundance, he was such a sweetheart and said that she sounded wonderful and we should go see her straight away before the weekend (it was Friday) where its the peak timing for people to go pet shopping.

Once I held Sundance in my arms it was all over, all the so-called practical reasons not to get her went out the window. She was so tiny but super confidnet and loving. Although I would have preferred a male, her appeal totally outshone her brother, I only carried him for 10 seconds and I missed her already. My connection was with her from the first moment. Muji said she was meant to be my girl. We were so unprepared that we didn't even come with my cat carrier, but carried her in my arms to whisk her away to her new life.

First stop was to the vet for a health check, Dr Nicole Krishner said that Sundance was one of the healthiest kitten she had ever seen, and a really confident one at that; big dogs barking at her in the waiting area didn't even faze her, in fact she walked towards the dogs. A great start to prep her to meet her big sister K'Lyn and Puppy yah?

Once we were finally home (had to stop by to buy some kitten supplies at 1st where Sundance charmed everyone into falling in love with her too), Sundance meet the whole family. Nanu was hers from the start... He was so smitten with her and just hung around her trying to show her around like the man of the house that he was. She was soooo tiny next to him but it only took her a few minutes to wrap him around her little paw. He would follow her everywhere for the next few days. Nefi was abit more reserved, but also quickly took to her and showed her approval with a few loving licks. Sundance was in heaven.

Because Sundance was so small, I was alot more careful when introducing K'Lyn and Puppy. I knew Puppy would not really bother as she was kinda into herself (ha), but K'Lyn would be really interested as she loves cats since young. I was just worried that in her excitment she may accidentally step on Sundance, and Sundance was really tiny. But I should have know that K'Lyn would be K'Lyn, and she'll know exactly what to do and how to take care of her new baby. K'Lyn was just so gentle and careful and loving with Sundance, and Sundance probably thought that she was her mommy (although alot bigger and less fur), it was love at first sight for K'Lyn also :)

After all, K'Lyn IS my soul mate....

The rest as they say is history. Till today, Sundance holds the title of being the PRINCESS of the family and she'll always be my lil girl.

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